Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Connecticut Chief States Attorney Asked to Probe Bridgeport Election Fraud Allegations

“I knew instantly it was illegal,” Solano told The Epoch Times. “They’re not supposed to pick up ballots. You’re allowed to bring constituents an application to receive their ballot in the mail and give them an instruction sheet on how to vote for those that don’t know. And that’s it.”
“I want nothing to do with politics or anything that has to do with the city of Bridgeport ever again unless something takes place and our democracy is restored,” she said. “Right now, democracy just doesn’t exist in Bridgeport. Our candidate for mayor who ran for office … his apartment and vehicle got shot up.”
Police have not yet determined whether the bullets that struck Gomes’s car and apartment this week were intended for a specific individual.
Gomes told The Epoch Times this week that he would like to see the Commission move more quickly on complaints.
“The federal government needs to get involved in this because there are complaints that have been made about things happening in the city and the state’s reaction has been slow,” he added. “Ideally, the federal government should take over as far as cases and complaints.”
